Registration ENG 1
2023-01-06clock10 minutes

Ready to start trading?

Click Sign Up. Choose the type of account (Individual or Corporate), input your Name and E-mail address, create a password, and accept the Terms of Use. If you have a promo code, or a referral ID from a friend, enter those as well. Then click Next. A confirmation message will be sent to your e-mail address. Follow the confirmation link to create your password and then click Register.

To verify or not to verify...

After registering, you will need to verify your identity before you can buy or sell crypto for fiat, participate in our airdrops and other promotions, and earn referral rewards. If you did not complete verification when you registered, log in to your account, click on the Profile icon, and select Verification to start the process. Please provide the requested personal information and click Next.

  • Note: International (non-Georgian residents) users will need to upload a copy of their passport. Follow the directions and then click Done.

Our staff will process your request and within one business day you will receive either a verification confirmation or a request for additional documentation.

More details on our support site

For more information about registering on Cryptal, see:

Open a ticket for more assistance

Our 24/7 help desk is always available:
