What is Spot Trade?
Cryptal is Georgia's first full-featured crypto exchange, offering a diverse selection of cryptos to buy and sell. In addition to our Convert feature, we also provide an online Spot Exchange, where transactions between traders take place.
In a typical trade, one party “asks” and the other “offers” – these bids are then matched to execute a trade. The main advantages of using the spot exchange are:
- Lower fees
- Better market prices.
Market vs. Limit
On Cryptal, you can access our spot trading page by clicking on Exchange. Here you can place a “Market” order to buy or sell at the current market price, or a “Limit” order that lets you set a price and then executes when a matching offer is available.
a. Market Order: This method automatically secures the best available price for the desired cryptocurrency on the exchange at the time of purchase.
For instance, when buying Bitcoin through a Market Order, you obtain it at the prevailing best price on the exchange.
b. Limit Order: With a Limit Order, users manually set the maximum and minimum price limits they are willing to pay for Crypto. The exchange then matches them with the best available price within the specified limits.
What is the Order Book?
This is where you'll see the current active offers. Bids (offers to buy) are in green and Asks (offers to sell)are in red.
Next to the order book is a list of the most recent live trades.
What is a Candle Chart?
Active traders watch the various charts to see what the trends are and get an overview of the current market activity. The most common chart you'll see is the “candle” chart. The length of a candle shows the spread in price over a specific interval. Long candles mean the price is changing rapidly, while short candles indicate a more stable price. If the candle is red, it means the price is falling. Green candles indicate the price is rising.
What are Trading Pairs?
“Pairs” are two currencies that can be exchanged for one another in a trade. Cryptal supports many different pairs against TOGEL, TOUSD, TOEUR, and BTC.
- Pro tip: you can trade BTC with many other cryptos, in addition to fiat.
To see if the pair you want is supported, click on “Choose Pair” to the left of the trading view window, and then enter the code for a currency you want to trade to show all its possible trading pairs.